Founder Message

Founder Message

Education, the process of acquiring knowledge, is a greater redeemer, a prime mover and a hope for those who have none to lookup to expect despair and alienation…

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Founder Message

Mission & Vision

To create an environment in which every child feels nourished, nurtured and supported to become the best s/he can be. To provide learning opportunities in a non-competitive,

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From the Desk of Honourable Principal

The enormity of a journey seems daunting (especially when unconventional paths have to traversed ) till the time it is not initiated.

Often it has been validated that what waits at the end is highly gratifying.

NIS is now eight years old. We are progressing consistently, one step at a time, believing strongly in ‘Consistent effort create consistent results’. We have been able to accomplish our goals while unflinchingly setting sights on new heights as goals.